

The Story of the Cosmo Project

We believe that everyone who lives in our community should be treated as people regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, or financial situation. Our focus will be purely on creating a safe and nurturing environment by treating disadvantaged people with dignity and respect. We have have no religious or political ties and will not press any personal beliefs, other than love, respect, and the importance of being an active member of your community.

Our Co-founders

Our cofounders

Our Volunteers

Hello, my name is Mike. I’m just a guy who will not turn a blind eye to the rapidly growing homeless situation in this city. I
refuse to ignore it. People should not have to suffer the way they are. Everyone deserves a second chance. I have been lucky enough to surround myself with people who feel the same way. Together, we will improve the quality of life for the unhoused.
Hi! My name is Danielle, I’m the Vice President of The Cosmo Project! My family moved here from Michigan in hopes of building the best life. Cosmo has been such a huge part of that! Everything that we bring and give to the community, the community brings and gives to us. Aside from homeschooling and raising our three children, this is the most beautiful thing I’ve been apart of! We love being outside, cooking, dance parties, Disney days and camping!
I discovered Cosmo project through Erin and was inspired. I lost my husband and best friend three years ago from Covid-19 and spent three years recovering from this loss. I am still recovering but grateful for the opportunity to help our unhoused. This reminds my of how lucky I am everyday.

My husband had a heart for the homeless community and would help when he saw an opportunity. I think this opportunity to help others and to make them feel like they’re worthy is a good thing. We are all on this earth together. Be kind and loving to others. Work today for positive change. ✌️
I became a part of The Cosmo Project through Betz. She told me about this group she met with on Sundays that helped people out who needed things. I’m typically a homebody and have to be dragged out to be with others but I let her drag me out to The Cosmo Project. I’m so glad she brought me because I caught the “Cosmo Fever” and look forward to it every Sunday!
I am an ordained Zen Buddhist monk (that’s “Buddhist lite”, if you’re not familiar.) I’ve always had a passion for social justice issues in all its many forms. From DACA, to women’s rights, to LGBTQ+ issues, to interfaith dialogues, I wanted to be in the side of those who felt marginalized and unheard. [Mike Carrano enters stage left]..

I met Mike at a demonstration and instantly liked his unfiltered sense of self and dogged commitment to the unhoused. I jumped onboard the Cosmo Project and haven’t ever wanted to let go! We all embrace our authentic selves without having to hold anything back. No judgment, just love.
HI I’m Jill! I love to help people whenever I can!
HI! I’m Robert. I love to help people whenever I can!
Hi, my name is Kristie and I have been with The Cosmo Project from the beginning. I love what it has grown into. The people that I work beside have the same mind set and goals as me: compassion for the unhoused, empathy, caring, supportive, and nurturing.

Everyone needs help every now and then. Most of society tends to ignore the unhoused and put them down. I, on the other hand, want to help them up and get them back on their feet.
Hi, I’m Cyndi. During the pandemic I began preparing and distributing meals to those in need, and especially the unhoused. The location has changed, the individuals have changed, but the needs remain the same. I am grateful for The Cosmo Project community, all passionate about improving the circumstances of others!
Hello! My name is Austin. I’m a lifetime Florida native that spent most of his life in Jacksonville Florida. In 2018 I myself became homeless, and dealt with habitual homelessness for 4.5 years. In December 2021 I left Jacksonville constant a new life in Lakeland. In July 2023 a friend let me stay in their van, and a few months later I finally got off the streets with help from the volunteers with the Cosmo Project.

I am not your typical need. I do live gaming, D&D, train watching, board and card games, but I’m also an avid long distance cyclist, I enjoy unplugging from the hoopla of life and camping in the woods. When I’m not gaming I’m on my bike. I’ve watched the Cosmo grow from thoughts and ideas to what it has become now.

Seems just like yesterday i was at that city meeting over the future of Munn Park where me Spike, Kristie, Cyndi, and a few other met Mike for the first time. I’m not around all the time, but every time I do come around, it surprises me more and more about how much this group grows. And remember, the unhoused are people too.
My name is Erin. I’m a lifelong Central Floridian (which means I’m a bit jaded about theme parks, but I still find my truest self in natural Florida), a wife and a mom to some of the most interesting and entertaining people I know, a nurse, an enneagram 9, and an introvert masquerading as an awkward extrovert. Most of all, I believe in the inherent worth and beauty of each person. This is what brought me to Munn Park one Sunday in November, and what keeps me coming back week after week.
Hello! My name is Lori.
Hi! I’m Tiara, a passionate queer being that embodies several marginalized identities. Though I’ve been a voice and had a hand in matters surrounding social justice & human rights for as long as I can remember, I’m grateful to have found groups like The Cosmo Project to be able to be even more involved in my
local community.

I look forward to seeing and interacting with our neighbors each week and know they are similarly grateful to have a group of people who not only treat them as we should, but do what we can to make necessary change. standing up for what is right not only benefits our most vulnerable and targeted neighbors, but all of us.

Mutual aid is just that- mutual, and the systems are ultimately continuing to function as they were meant to: for profit, not people or land. So these practices we commit to, work to cultivate the solidarity needed to build the kind of worlds we all deserve to live in!
Hi! I’m Nicole. I’ve been working with the unhoused for nearly 20 years, though not all in Lakeland. I dream of a world where everyone has a place to live, food on the plate, healthcare, direct democracy and free of bigotry. In my free time, I run ultramarathons in the woods.
Hi, my name is Jasmine. I love helping those less unfortunate and try to volunteer every chance I get.
We are Keith and Kimberly. We recently moved to Lakeland from Fort Myers. We lost our home to flooding in Hurricane Ian. We were fortunate we had family and other resources to recover from homelessness. We are so grateful we found The Cosmo Project and the incredible people who make it work. Everyone deserves their basic needs met. This group works tirelessly to do just that.
Hello, I’m Drew! As a queer and disabled parent, spouse and member of this community, what I want most is to help make the world a more inclusive and equitable place. I’m happy to channel my energy into The Cosmo Project to further this mission.
Hi, my name is Walt. When I’m not hanging out with my blue tongued skink named Butterfly, I’m helping the less fortunate how ever I can.
Hello! My name is Christopher. I’m 46 years old 25 year retired from the Polk County sheriff’s office. Live downtown. I’m the owner of Efficient Defense LLC. My hobbies include commercial gun cleaning/repair and crocheting. Favorite bands (King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard)(Thin Lizzy)(Townes Van Zandt)
Hi, my name is Jesse. I have been working with the homeless and fighting for the privileged as long as I can remember. I don’t plan on quitting any time soon.
Hello! My name is Mitchele. I’m a retired Registered Nurse originally from Michigan. My dad was a firefighter/EMT who instilled acts of community service in me from a young age. I really believe that’s why I remained content on a career path that was as frustrating as exhilarating. Bureaucracy has always made me insane. There’s a lot of caring left in me. I try to think outside the box. I believe that I’m where I’m supposed to be and look forward to continuing my journey with The Cosmo Project.